Is your organization prepared for the next cyberattack?

Is your organization prepared for the next cyberattack?

The numbers don’t lie: the cyber threat is real and growing. In Belgium, 39% of companies expect to be victims of a cyberattack by 2024. And only 27% of companies are prepared for it.

These are the findings of a recent survey by Cloudflare of more than 4,000 IT security professionals in 13 countries, including Belgium.

Consequences can be disastrous

In our country, three-quarters of companies that experienced an attack in the past 12 months estimate the financial impact at an average of €940,000. Almost a quarter (24%) even experience a loss of €1.88 million. And 23% of respondents say they have had to lay off employees due to the economic impact of a cyberattack.

Much work remains to be done

Despite the growing threat, there is still much to be done in the area of cyber security. Only 27% of Belgian companies are adequately prepared for a cyber attack. And while 53% expect IT cybersecurity budgets to increase this year, too little is being invested in securing users and their devices.

Zero-Trust Architecture as a Solution.

A Zero Trust architecture can provide an important solution. With this security method, users and devices are no longer automatically trusted within the network. Access is granted only after verification and authentication.


The cyber threat is real and acute. Waiting until it’s too late is not an option! In Belgium this year, companies face a 39% real risk of falling victim to a cyberattack. The impact of such an attack can be devastating, with financial losses running into millions of euros and reputational damage that can have long-lasting consequences.

It’s time to wake up and take action!

Contact us today [email protected] our experts are happy to help you optimize your cyber security and arm your business against today’s cyber threats.

*Source credit: Data News article: 39 percent of Belgian companies expect a cyber attack this year’

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