Enhanced connectivity: Discover the Ruckus Networks Solution Provider Program

Enhanced connectivity: Discover the Ruckus Networks Solution Provider Program

Discover the Ruckus Networks Solution Provider Program, tailored for challenging environments worldwide. Together with partners, they provide customers with high-quality connectivity and reliable user experiences. Learn why partnering with Ruckus is worthwhile and explore the three partner tiers in this blog post!

A new definition of connectivity

RUCKUS is redefining connectivity around the world, innovating in wired and wireless technology to meet customer and industry-specific needs and the most demanding use cases. Their high-performance network infrastructure provides secure, reliable access to applications and services no matter what the circumstances.

Simply better business

RUCKUS is not just “partner-friendly.” Their go-to-market strategy is uniquely focused on partner relationships – it’s in their DNA. To enable your success, they have developed a holistic partner program that makes partnering with RUCKUS just better business.

Investing in success

RUCKUS is committed to providing comprehensive resources, training, incentives and engagement to ensure a trusted and mutually profitable relationship. All partners have access to the exclusive RUCKUS Partner Portal, which provides a wealth of resources and information to empower, inform and support you in successfully selling RUCKUS solutions. For companies looking to market, sell and deliver RUCKUS wired and/or wireless products and services, they now have three Partner levels for solution providers, each with different enablement and paths to profitability. In addition, their specializations recognize skills and expertise in specific areas and provide the opportunity to earn additional benefits.


Specializations recognize and reward partners with focused expertise in selling and/or supporting RUCKUS solutions.

Partnership Identification

You are authorized to display a logo/badge recognizing your organization as an Elite, Certified or Registered member of the RUCKUS BIG DOGS Partner Program. You can use the badge to highlight your company’s relationship with RUCKUS and expertise in selling and implementing RUCKUS solutions. Specialization badges are also available for partners who meet the qualifications for the Certified or Elite level. View the full list via the button below.

Still have questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact [email protected]. We will be happy to provide you with more information and support.

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